ASP in Wastewater Treatment MODE (ASP WWM)

 Wastewater mode (WWM) is definedas a situation where the incoming stream is the raw wastewater (influent) and requires treatment.  In ASP WWM the pollution loads are usually not yet precipitated, for example the colored wastewater generated by Flexo printing. In this case, the ASP is used as a full WWTP,  and executes all treatment steps in one single reactor, without the need for a separate dewatering device, leading to very compact and economical installation.

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Our ASP WWM is more economical than traditional solutions, not only in direct costs, but also in engineering and infrastructure investment.

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In ASP WWM the treatment capacity is not measures by dry sludge per day, but rather wastewater volumes per day, typically we can handle up to 60000 liters per day with a single ASP, we can operate more units in parallel in order to increase the capacity. 

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In ASP WWM the treatment capacity is not measures by dry sludge per day, but rather wastewater volumes per day, typically we can handle up to 60000 liters per day with a single ASP, we can operate more units in parallel in order to increase the capacity.

Another option, for higher volumes of wastewater, is our GreeNfloat DAF product, for primary clarifying the WW. Resulting in ASP feed of only thickened sludge, thus the full capacity may increase by 10 times, or more.


Food processing, salad, cool Ready-to-Eat product, typical solids and oils are about 1200 ppm.

The ASP alone as a single treatment unit (occupies less than 2m2) can handle up to 45 cum/day (12000 GPD), complete chemiphysical treatment incorporating sludge dewatering.

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